Wednesday, May 16, 2007


What a strange feeling it is to be virtually finished with my internship year. Granted, I still have one more month remaining…but I only have these last, lovely rotations to complete – Radiology and Anesthesiology. It was strategic planning…I must admit, but I am grateful my program has allowed me such leisure. I feel very fortunate to be able to take two weeks of vacation right before my wedding. Another week after the wedding for a honeymoon is an added blessing.

According to my wedding website which has a built-in countdown system, I have 39 days remaining until the big day! As this day approaches, feelings of anticipation, excitement, and joy begin to well up within me. Paul and I have dated for over four years now (4 years, 3 months, and 21 days, to be exact). We have been engaged for 1 year and 3 months. We truly have been through thick and thin together, and it has been a crazy but wonderful ride. We have worked through our differences, reasoned with our parents, learned how to speak lovingly to one another at all times, understood what it means to care deeply for someone other than oneself, and grown together emotionally and spiritually. Never would I have imagined that someone so compatible with me could exist in this world. Never could I have conjured up in my dreams a more perfect companion.

The Lord answered my prayers for a godly life partner – someone who is like-minded and mission-minded. I feel overwhelmed by a sense of gratitude for this miraculous friendship. Perhaps I am a sentimentalist. Perhaps I am idealistic. Perhaps I am blinded by love. But whatever the case, I am grateful for the precious gift of Paul – my future husband.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

that is so sweet!

7:10 PM  
Blogger Gloria Hwang said...

That's so sweet Janie! Have fun this weekend with the family, will miss you guys at church. Met your uncle! BTW saw a little of that sad!!!

11:44 AM  
Blogger Gloria Hwang said...

That's so sweet Janie! Have fun this weekend with the family, will miss you guys at church. Met your uncle! BTW saw a little of that sad!!!

11:44 AM  

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